Traditions are taken very seriously at Malden High School, the most prominent of them being the Malden vs Medford Thanksgiving Day game. This year marked the 125th anniversary of the prestigious event, and the school participated in the annual spirit week to help encourage the football players to play their best. Their efforts were acknowledged when the MHS football team defeated Medford for the sixth time in a row, with a score of 32-6.

Spirit week is a memorable time for the students at MHS: pajamas, wacky tacky outfits, and plenty of school spirit fill the halls. But what is it that drives students to have such an abundance of school spirit? The pep rally for the Thanksgiving Day football game, the competition, and the bonding found within the classes may all be respectable answers. Whatever the reason behind it may be, each year students look forward to this one particular week.

Monday: pajamas, robes, slippers, and comfort. The students, and even spirited teachers, came into school dressing in their favorite sleepwear. Senior Darrian DaSilva believes spirit week “is awesome! It is a time in the year where not only the students participate in showing their school pride, but the staff as well.”

Tuesday: wacky tacky outfits of the most hilarious variety. Students were seen wearing mismatched colored, long socks, and silly glasses, dressing away from the norm. It is evident that MHS students have high school spirit when they are wearing outfits not fit for the runway into school.

Wednesday: blue and gold day, and the famous pep rally where all MHS students cheer on the football team for their 125th annual game. DaSilva explained how the best part of the pep rally “for [him], is when the seniors on the football team are being called out in the pep rally, despite [their] record; just hearing the crowd scream and chant gives not only [himself], but everyone on the team a huge boost of confidence.” DaSilva also explains that “since [it is] [his] senior year, this spirit week was the best [and he] had the most fun.”

Senior class advisor Meaghann Galdos explained that “the spirit team and [senior] class really rallied together. The only event [that was disappointing] was the tug of war.  Other than that, the team’s spirits were high [and she] was glad [they] collected so many cans to donate” to the Bread of Life.

Although the day circled back to the seniors on the football team and cheerleading squad, many other members of the school had something to offer. The band and chorus started off the pep rally, followed by the break dancers and step team. The pure talent in MHS was demonstrated throughout the whole day. Senior step team member Regine Cenatus was most excited about the crowd: “their cheers gave [her] more confidence. [The step team] spent hours practicing for this event, and it was worth it.” Senior Project B-Boy member, Valentine Banor, expressed that the pep rally “gives [them] a chance to display the type of performance [they] will be doing for [Junior Varieties]. [They] try to have new dances and change things up a bit.”

Sophomore class president Ashmael Brun believes spirit week is that “time of the year where everyone comes together. [So] much positive energy is felt around the school. [It is] also one of those important moments in high school that will never be forgotten.”

Banners also contributed to the larger components of spirit week. Each of the four banners depicted the MHS football team crushing Medford in the Thanksgiving Day football game in its own creative way. Sophomores received recognition for their banner due to its clear message that Medford has no chance of winning. This dedication shown by the school to the football team proves that unity is key to motivation. Although, Banor felt “as though not everyone got to see [the banners].” Perhaps we could take Galdos’ suggestion and “consider how to draw more attention to them.”

It is clear that school bonding all together is another factor that gets students excited for the pep rally.  Brenden Maney, an English teacher and the host for this year’s pep rally, enjoys “the unique way in which so much of the student body comes together to create a special environment.” It is not everyday that the school interacts with each other in such a way. One thing that he always notices every year is “the pride [he feels] working in a school that has such a dynamic student body.” The unity and respect shown in this week exceeds all the rest during the year.

While the football team was racking up their pride, Maney continued to host the competitive events. Human pyramids and tug of war were some of the most competitive events of the spirit teams this year. At the end, after much enthusiasm and laughter, seniors were deemed the winners of spirit week. Their well deserved victory was the result of this specific event being the last one they ever experience in high school, so winning was out of the question. Banor explained how this year’s pep rally was “bittersweet for all seniors because it is [their] last and senior year is the best year for [them].”

Although the ending has come for another successful spirit week, MHS spirit continues to thrive always.

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