Boys Lacrosse Team Ends on a Good Note


The Malden High School boys lacrosse season started off rough, going 0-8 before breaking through with their first win of the season against Winthrop.  The team followed up this breakthrough with an exciting overtime win against Revere about a week later. The team’s final record is 3-11, and although they might have slipped from last year’s record of six wins, they have a lot to build on for next year, for the team is stocked with talented underclassmen.

Many athletes joined the lacrosse team this season, and with this income of new players, the upperclassmen were able to show their leadership skills. “We have two returning attackman, one middle, one [defenseman], and our goalie. The rest are new and at first it [was] hard but [has got] better as the year [went] on,” explains senior captain Cruz Desrochers.

The team’s first win against Winthrop was on Apr. 26, 2013, with a score of 11-8.  Senior captain Paul Kiernan scored multiple times along with Desrochers. In addition junior Devin Fitzpatrick scored the game tying and winning goals. Senior T.J. Ruddock led the team’s stellar defense, which only allowed only one goal in the second half. The lacrosse team put their game faces on by the second half; holding a strong defense.

Their next win of the season occurred on May 7, 2013 against Revere in an exciting 8-7 overtime game. Desrochers was the one who scored the game winning goal bringing MHS the victory. Kiernan also contributed to the scoring, along with juniors Dirir Mohamed and Devin Fitzpatrick. Sadly, facing Revere once again on May 11, 2013 the team was defeated that time.

Desrochers and Kiernan did very well in the season and scored almost every game, becoming two major contributing factors to the team’s offense.

Many seniors hope next year’s team can have a better season. Despite the losses, the team showed great teamwork. Coach Brenden Maney has great expectations for next year and hopes for the team to grow. He hopes “that next year, the returning  players work in the offseason to improve their catching and throwing .” Maney’s philosophy is to give the MHS students “the same chance [he] was given many years ago.” During the last game of the season on May 22, 2013, the boys lacrosse team gave it their all and won against Methuen with a score of 12-5. The team ended the season strong and sent the seniors off on a good note.

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