Girls Softball: Makes States With A Solid Season


Malden High School’s softball team finished the season with a decent record of 12-10. The team clinched the amount of wins needed to qualify for the state tournament and the team continued striving for victory.

New varsity player, freshman Alexis Brown, took on the vital role as pitcher because last year’s star pitcher, Kiara Amos, graduated. However, Brown does not feel too much pressure because “[she] know[s] [she] has [her] team behind [her].” Senior captain Melissa Light mentioned that Brown “is doing a great job for her first year.” Senior captain Jessalynne Brown added, “getting to play with my little sister has been awesome!”

The team was confident that their efforts would qualify them for the tournament, which, in the end, it did. The new goal was to possibly come out as the champs. “Most of the team is returning from last season so they have had just as much drive to work hard and get as far as they did last year,” expressed Jessalynne Brown. The team planned to take “one game at a time,” explains Light.

All the captains concur that the highlight of the season was shutting out Everett with a score of 7-0. “[The team] played them once this season and took a tough loss of 6-3, so it was great to work together as a team and come back and get the win,” stated Jessalynne Brown. The team continued to help each other and work as a unit to always keep improving.

On May 8, 2013, the team came out with a win against Sommerville with an impressive score of 18-0. Later that week they challenged Lynn Classical in a heated battle for the win, but in the end, Malden lost with a final score of 8-4. However, the team had a huge victory on Thursday, May 16, 2013 against Beverly. The final score was 13-1, allowing the team to make another step towards the state tournament.

The MHS girls softball team lost a tough battle to Medford High School’s team on May 20, 2013, 2 – 1. This loss clinched MHS third overall in the Greater Boston League with Medford in first. However, on May 30, 2013, the team came back strong against Medford with a score of 16-2.

Light advises the younger players to “never get down on themselves and always give their all no matter what the circumstances are” because the game can change directions in an instant. Senior captain Hannah Calderone mentioned to have  “good attitude coming into any sport” and to “pick each other up and always work together.” Senior captain Jessalynne Brown concluded to “Always have a positive mindset, try your best, be a team player, work hard but have fun, and enjoy your teammates because as the season goes on everyone gets close like a family!” The softball girls have a strong bond on and off the field that will bring their goals to fruition.

Although this season turned out to be different than last year’s, the girls did not give up. In fact, they were more motivated than ever to play to the strengths of this year’s team, not dwelling on the past. Light adds “There was definitely some pressure on us because of how well we did last year.”

However, she adds, “[they have] handled it as best [they] could.” The team has developed together, learning where their new weaknesses lie. Light said that this was in fielding this year, “because teams are putting the bat on the ball a little more than last year.” This has forced them to focus on that aspect more so.

Captains Calderone, Light, and Brown led their team to the state tournament. The team’s run, however, was stopped when they lost to Concord-Carlisle, 10-1, on June 1, 2013 in the first round of the state tournament.


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