OPINION: Breaking Up With Breaking Bad


On Sunday, Sept. 29, 2013, after five years, AMC’s Breaking Bad came to an end. As an avid fan, I’m heartbroken, confused and I can’t shake the feeling that I’m waiting for the next season to start. I’m not ready to accept that my favorite show is over forever.

The pilot episode of Breaking Bad aired on January 20, 2008, introducing Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher already struggling for money, who is diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. With medical bills quickly piling up, White, his pregnant wife and his teenage son are unable to make ends meet. White begins to worry how his family will be able to survive financially after his death, so he contacts one of his former students, Jesse Pinkman, and with White’s chemistry knowledge and Pinkman’s knowledge of “the streets,” they begin cooking and distributing methamphetamine around New Mexico.

Meanwhile, as White and Pinkman’s product begins spreading around the area, White’s brother-in-law, Hank Schrader, a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) officer begins investigating the case. White begins using a pseudonym for his drug trade, Heisenberg, to conceal his identity.

After years of watching Walter White transform from a timid high school teacher into Heisenberg, the head of New Mexico’s drug trade, fans are left with so many questions as to what happened after the credits started rolling in the series finale. (SPOILER ALERT) Is Heisenberg really dead? And if he is, how will Walt be remembered after his death? What will Holly learn about her father when she’s old enough? Where is Brock, and will Jesse continue being his father figure?

Luckily, AMC announced that in the near future, they will be airing the pilot episode of a Breaking Bad spinoff, Better Call Saul, which will go to show what happened to White and Pinkman’s lawyer, Saul Goodman, after he escaped the drug trade drama. AMC is yet to announce an exact date for Goodman’s spinoff, but no matter how far away the air date is, at least Breaking Bad’s ending isn’t all that bad after all.

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