Posse Scholar: Bestine Cong


Photo by Sumya Mohiuddin

Bucknell University will be welcoming Bestine Cong, one of Malden High School’s finest. Committed student and dedicated athlete, Cong proudly accepted the challenge of earning a Posse scholarship.

Guidance counselor Erin Craven introduced Cong to the Posse Foundation and soon she found herself attending the interviews. After the three month process Cong was one of the lucky nine people from MHS to receive a scholarship. She knew she wanted to double major in a science related course as well as Italian because it is “[her] absolute favorite subject,” she expressed. Bucknell University seemed to be the perfect match. She was attracted by its large student body and it also happened to be the only Posse school to offer Italian as a major.

At the start, “[Cong] did not think [she] was going to get [the scholarship] in the first place because there were so many people at every stage of the process.” But she is overjoyed by the honor of earning the scholarship. She admitted that “even if [she] had not gotten [the scholarship, she] still would have been grateful for the experience.”

Cong explained that she is “ready for a change in [her] life.” She yearns for “a new scenery, a new school, and the chance to meet new people.” Cong hopes the Posse experience will provide all of her longings.

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