Potential MHS Collaboration with Salem State


With many students interested in earning extra credits before they graduate high school, a potential collaboration between Salem State and Malden High School could essentially fulfill their interests and more.

Currently, Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) has a satellite campus at MHS, which is a convenience for students who want to take classes after school hours at a familiar setting. Mainly upperclassmen take advantage of the classes offered at BHCC because of the benefits of earning college credits that the high school may not offer alone and the simple college experience.

However, with the addition of Salem State, a more effective “school environment,” according to Superintendent Dr. David DeRuosi, will emerge. Salemwood is the intended location for Salem State’s satellite campus, where the school will be “open to the whole community.”

Although the partnership is not finalized, many meetings have taken place, and Dr. DeRuosi is pleased that “a few classes will run in the fall,” where the partnership can steadily develop into a full program.

The potential partnership will enhance the dual enrollment program. As a four year college, “students might [be able to] come out of high school with a degree.” Additionally, teachers will have the opportunity to earn their degrees at a close proximity to the high school.

Not only will the partnership offer new classes, but  the “partnership with the university could make the School Department eligible for a five-year grant from the Department of Labor to be used on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics programs,” quoted Boston Globe.

Salem State fits into Malden seamlessly; Dr. DeRuosi noticed that “many students seek Salem State at the end of high school,” making the partnership even more beneficial. According to Dr. DeRuosi, Salem State provides a “good urban education,” which helps the students at MHS because of the familiarity and ease. Salem State will understand the students and provide a more individualized education path.

Earning college credits for free is the most valuable prize for taking classes at Salem State or BHCC. Dr. DeRuosi advises students to do well in high school, and “seek multiple ways to earn college credits [to] save money.” In high school, “smart financing” can put a student ahead for years, and it is important to take advantage of the opportunities offered currently, and the ones that will be available in a few months.

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