Girls Lacrosse: Focused on the Field

Fixated on optimism and determination, the girls lacrosse team is focused on ending the season strong and becoming closer as a team. Despite their losses, the girls have been trying hard to remain positive and enjoy the rest of their season by motivating each other to strive for the best. The already hard working and committed team hopes to build an even stronger bond and grow from their hard work and experiences in order to triumph.

Their losses do not define them as a team but only encourages them to work harder than their last game. “Although [the team] has not won any games yet, we always try to remain positive” states senior caption, Monica Joseph. The team makes sure that during every game, all team members put in their utmost effort and try to enjoy themselves as much as they can to overcome their losses. As serious as competitions and games are, the team reminds each other to have fun and be optimistic no matter what.

But with the loss of many players from last year’s team, the girls are also focused on rebuilding and training a new team. From new members that have played in lacrosse programs since they were young to members that have never played lacrosse before their freshman year, all players are adjusting well to their new teammates, coaches, and other competing teams. This season gave the girls an opportunity to fully accommodate and build a strong team of many new members. When out on the field, there is a sense of togetherness among the team. The girls display great sportsmanship and optimism in all and only use their experiences as a platform of encouragement and motivation to become better.

During practices, the girls display an undeniable commitment to their team that pushes them forward. Sophomore, Wendy Nguyen expresses that the girls are “focusing on working as a team and becoming close to one another” in order to be successful. The girls have been spending immense time bonding and becoming closer to finish the season off strong. With this years experience and learnings, the girls lacrosse team will be even more prepared for next year’s season and will dominate on the field.


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