Benny Guan

With high goals and a strong work ethic, Benny Guan proved to be academically successful in his endless endeavors during his time at Malden High School.

Deciding to take Advanced Placement United States History became a turning point in Guan’s life. The class taught him “about time management due to sheer workload, which was extremely difficult [for him].” However, he continued to take challenging courses and endured the struggles from each of them.

After taking many classes, Guan found an interest in biology and computer science. Now, he can easily advise upcoming freshmen to “take all the opportunities given to [them], and to take all the Honors and AP classes that interest [them].”

Science teacher Shannon Votaw enjoyed her time with Guan in the classroom. She will not forget his good personality and sense of humor, which proves that he is “not all about facts.” Guan is a mixture of compelling thoroughness and admirable humor.

Guan was not all about academics: he enjoyed sports and clubs as well. Guan has been apart of the Badminton Club since sophomore year, where he “learned about teamwork.” During his senior year, Guan widened his scope of activities by joining the Asian American Club, in which he learned more about his culture, and Chemistry Club, in which he learned that “chemistry was not the best subject for him.” Guan learned a lot about himself while participating in his extracurricular activities.

Among many other MHS seniors, Guan ended his year by completing an five weeks of internship. Working in Mayor Gary Christenson’s office gave Guan great experience in computer programming while in a new environment. Guan also copied, filed, and sorted forms.

Every summer, Mayor Christenson offers summers jobs to local students, and Guan was responsible for reading those forms, which included an essay. It was a different kind of work than he was used to. Although he originally wanted to work for a software programming company in Boston, he learned a lot in retrospect.

Among many of Guan’s teachers, guidance counselors can agree that Guan is a studious and diligent worker; after some time, they can also agree that he has a great sense of humor. Boyle House guidance counselor Erin Craven started working with Guan his sophomore year; it was easy to notice Guan’s diligent personality and the “confidence [he had] about his academics.”

Craven advises Guan to “remember to have a good time inside and outside of the classroom.” Votaw, similarly, reminds Guan to “enjoy college and the freedom.”

High school has taught Guan to challenge himself as much as he can, and because of that, Guan has reached his full potential. This following fall, Guan will be attending Boston University, where he plans “to dual major in computer science and biology.”

Apart from his academic studies, Guan wishes to meet more people from around the world, similar to MHS. The unique diversity the high school has to offer intrigued Guan, and he hopes to keep that part with him wherever he goes.

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