New Teacher Profile: Jennae Cohen

Jennae Cohen working at her desk.
Jennae Cohen working at her desk.


Jennae Cohen is temporarily joining the staff of Malden High School to fill in for the absence of Jessica Bisson. Cohen, a New York native, graduated Siena College with a degree in English. Shortly after graduating Siena College, Cohen worked in the publishing industry.

Cohen explained that  “she woke up one day” and realized how “unfulfilled” she felt whilst in the publishing industry. Back in college, she had worked with students, and she decided to try it once more, and started working at the Salemwood School in Malden. After her time at the Salemwood School, which she noted was “an amazing experience,” she realized teaching was her true calling.

When asked what made her qualified to fill in such a unique role such as the one Bisson served, as she was a math teacher as well as part of the Special Education department, both MHS principal, Dana Brown, and Boyle house principal, Christopher Mastrangelo, agreed it to be because of her experience.

Cohen will not simply be a conventional educator, but also work with the special education students based on her unique dual math and special education role. It will not be all fun and games for this new teacher, however, as she only has a limited time to, as Mastrangelo put it, “set the tone [and] get the ball rolling for Bisson,” as Bisson will return to her home at MHS come October.

Even with this tough position, Cohen finds each new day “exciting” as she “learns something new from [her students] everyday.” So, while her time may be short here at MHS, Cohen will always love MHS and all that it is, from its “diversity” to “the liveliness of the student body.”

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