With the help of experienced staff members, and the passion that drove her goals, Lauren Kutler, a native of Portland, Oregon, began her career as a math teacher at Malden High School. Kutler graduated from Whitman College in Washington, but received her Masters degree in teaching at Boston University. Her experience student teaching at MHS with math teachers Jennifer Rogowicz and Genoveva Mateeva helped her structure her year, but she hopes to keep building upon each year.
Throughout the year, Kutler hopes “to figure out the organization of being a teacher.” Working alongside Rogowicz and Mateeva helped her become more comfortable with teaching, but this year is her year to fully accept the role of helping her students.
Gaining experience as a teacher is as important to her as becoming more acquainted with the community. She hopes to meet more teachers in her academy rather than only the ones in her math department. As a new teacher, “it is nice [for her] to have those resources.” Rogowicz encourages her to do the same, and “use the people around her,” and to “never be afraid to ask questions.” Kutler became apart of the Malden community recently, and to expand her view of the city as a whole, she wishes to attend school plays and other events.
Because Kutler has many freshmen this year, she hopes to “give them a friendly introduction” to math. She is teaching mainly Algebra I and Geometry, which uses variables, and she wants her students to be “open-minded” of all the new material.
Rogowicz hopes Kutler gets a great group of students so she could “focus on teaching rather than class management.” She knows Kutler, with her hardworking attitude and engaging lesson plans, she will do great things.