Sticking With Your NY’s Resolution

At the beginning of every new year, everyone sets a goal for themselves. A start of a whole new year motivates us to set ambitious standards for ourselves, but does anyone ever really reach them? The desire to become a better, more successful person seems to fade in weeks.

Studies show that writing down your goals and reading them every day helps you reach them. A great way to do this is to get some colorful sticky notes, write down all of your goals and ambitions for the new year, and place them on a wall in your room. They can placed all together, or in different places in a way that you will come across them every day. Some good places to put up your goals is next to a mirror in your bathroom, above your bedside table, above your dresser, or on doors in your room. These places are where your daily routine must take place, therefore you will be reminded to read your goals every day. This will help you think about them and every morning you will be reminded to take actions throughout the day that contribute to becoming the person you strive to be.

Surrounding yourself with supportive people will help you work harder towards your goals. If your friends and family are also in favor of your goals, or share the same ones, you will be able to work together to reach them. Friends are a great source of motivation. If you share your goals with people that you are around every day, you will be encouraged to reach them and will be reminded not to quit.

A great method to use is setting up a visual so that you could see your progress. Seeing that you are actually doing good on your goal keeps you motivated to do even better. Trying to be more fit? Add a penny to a jar for every mile you run, or every time you work out. Want to improve your grades? Make a list of your assignments, and check off all the papers you got a good grade on. Part of believing in yourself is in the visuals, and actually seeing your progress prevents you from giving up on your goal.

Keeping up with these ideas, it is very likely that you can be a better “you” by the end of 2015. Almost everyone feels the struggle of keeping up with their new years resolution, it is almost an expected result, but who wants to quit at something that could be worth it? These methods will hopefully keep up the desire to finish your goals, and possibly stick with them after the year ends.


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