Senior Nico Quesada Nylen
As senior Nicolas Quesada Nylen spends his last weeks as a Malden High School student, he has locked down his college choice on Colby Sawyer.
In the college preparation chaos of senior year, Quesada Nylen, along with senior classmate Kaitlyn Weng, was awarded with the Colby Sawyer scholarship. As Quesada Nylen read the letter sent to his house notifying him that he got the scholarship, “[he] really thought [he] was dreaming.”

Although Colby Sawyer was not on Quesada Nylen’s list of colleges, after he heard about the school and visited the campus, it quickly became an easy decision that he would apply for the scholarship. The small size and affordable price of the school met the standards Quesada Nylen had set for his future school. Quesada Nylen plans on majoring in business during his time as a Colby Sawyer college student, with dreams to move on to culinary school and one day own a restaurant of his own.
Another senior year highlight for Quesada Nylen was being part of the MHS boys soccer team, who went undefeated in the regular season, won the Greater Boston League championship title and made it to the third round of states. Despite an ankle injury that didn’t allow Quesada Nylen to play for a major portion of the season, he expresses that “[he is] grateful to have worn a uniform and still be considered a part of the team.” Quesada Nylen also gives credit to his teammates and coach as the reason he will be playing soccer at Colby Sawyer this upcoming fall.
Along with being a member of the boys soccer team, Quesada Nylen had the privilege of being a Summer Searcher. Quesada Nylen describes his sophomore year trip to Wind River Range in Wyoming as “life changing.” Quesada Nylen grew to become a great leader in the Summer Search program for the underclassmen and says “[he will] always remember the two trips and what [he has] learned from the program.”
With the end of senior year close by, Quesada Nylen knows that “it is time to move forward.” Despite the fact that he will be living away from his family and friends, Quesada Nylen admits that “[he is] excited to live in a place other than Malden.” In his preparation for college, Quesada Nylen is “excited to see how [he] can leave a mark on Colby Sawyer.” Until then, he will be making the best of the time he has left at the place that has been home for the past four years, MHS.