Kiley Ruelle nailing a flip on her floor routine. All photos by Piero Pocobene.

As the gymnastics season comes to a close, the athletes continue to work hard and bring their skill and determination to all of their meets. This year, the Malden High School gymastics team is being led by junior co-captains Jessica Munroe and Kiley Ruelle.
Munroe says that the team and the coach have been “working really hard this season to prepare and improve the team.” Munroe states that this season, everyone has “put in so much work” and have “improved themselves no matter their skill level.”
This year the team has performed very well, all due to the hard work and goal setting done by the team and the coach at practices. “At practice,” Munroe says, “[they] have a set list of workouts that they plan for every event to help [them] to improve [their] skills.” Ruelle agrees that setting goals is a “great way to perfect all of [their] skills and make sure [their] routines are constantly improving.”
The team also continues to support and be there for each other during practices and meets. One example of that, according to Munroe, is “whenever a team member accomplishes a goal at practice, the whole team stands to watch and clap and congratulate them.”
Ruelle affirms that the team “supports each other constantly” and that they have “tons of bonding moments at practices and meets,” making the sport itself even more enjoyable.
Gymnastics coach Vanessa James is also an immense supporting figure to the students on the team. Ruelle expresses that James is “working really hard to make sure everyone is ready for each

competition,” and that she is proud of “how far [they’ve] come since the first meet.”
Munroe also agrees that Coach James has been “very supportive of all of [them]” and is “proud of [their] achievements so far.” According to Ruelle it is also nice to have a coach who is “fun and that [they] can talk to and feel comfortable around.”
Even against some of their greatest competitors, the MHS gymnastics team has been very “successful this season in improving [their] all around team score every meet.” As always the team continues to excel in competitions.
According to Munroe she and the team feel that “competitions are fun and exciting,” since the team gets to “show off all of the things [they have] worked hard for all season.” Ruelle also feels it is also important to “watch what other gymnasts do so [they] can improve [their] routines.”

Although last year there were more gymnasts who had a good amount of gymnastics experience and training, this year the new members have stepped up to fill those positions. Munroe admits that “[she is] impressed and proud of how well the team has improved” and how they have “come together despite their lack of experience.” Ruelle wholeheartedly agrees that the “new gymnasts on the team improve [with] each competition,”and that it is “impressive to watch” those who have “never done gymnastics before, work so hard and get better and better throughout the season.”
The team continues to do better through hard work and determination during practice and competitions.” Ruelle has seen that, “Every meet, [the] team score gets higher and higher,” and she continues to be, “really proud of everyone.” She, Munroe, Coach James, and the rest of the team couldn’t be more excited to see what next year brings.