Please join us in the Jenkins Auditorium on Thursday, April 16, 2015 for our senior fashion show. We will be showing off all the newest dresses and tuxes all around. Flyer by Josh Cronin
Here are updates for the week of April 13 on current events in Malden.
This is information pulled from morning announcements and the Tornado Times.
- Seniors: There will be a mandatory meeting for those participating in the Senior Fashion Show at the Gallery on Monday, April 13 at 1:45. All must attend; if not you can not participate.
- PARCC exam for 9th graders on Monday, April 13
- PARCC exam for 9th graders on Tuesday, April 14
- If you are interested in donating blood to people in need, stop by the Red Cross table at any of the four lunches to sign up for the upcoming school blood drive on April 14.
- Class of 2017 will be having an open class meeting on Tuesday, April 14 after school in café A.
- Senior Fashion Show on Thursday, April 16 at 7pm. Tickets will be sold during all 4 lunches.
- Got nothing to do on the Friday, April 17? Come check out the YMCA Leadership Corp’s Fire and Ice dance on April 17th, from 7-10PM. Tickets will be $8 in advance and $10 at the door. Look out for friends and officers of the Y for details.
- ACT on Saturday, April 18. Doors open at 7:30 am at MHS and do not forget all required papers for the test.
- Seniors: Pay for cap and gown ($10) and AP exams to Ms. Sullivan at the main office ASAP
- Seniors: $40 off a tux rental can be yours when you log on to menswearhouse.com/prom. Take advantage of this offer! If you have questions ask, see Ms. Valente in the gallery.
- The Starr Center is open every Monday & Wednesday for all of your health needs and questions! Located in the nurse’s office, the Starr Center has a doctor and health counselor available at no cost to you.