The boys lacrosse team confines into a huddle.

With the cruel winter weather having ended, many have picked up their sticks to usher in the beginning of the lacrosse season. Under Brenden Maney’s coaching, Malden High School’s varsity boys lacrosse team has prospered more this year in comparison to years past.
The team is led by seniors Isaac Bethea and Sam Wong. Having spent three years on the lacrosse team, Bethea explained that “it is a great honor” to be captain in his final year of high school. He feels that this recognition “shows that the coach trusts [him and Wong] and [their] teammates trust [them]” to guide the team.
As captains, Bethea described that his role is to “lead [the team] on and challenge them to work harder and focus.” The captains wish for their team to be able to “make the playoffs,” claiming that this goal is more achievable this year because the lacrosse team is “better than it has ever been in recent years.”
Coach Maney set his goal on a more individualistic way as he wishes to improve the players’ skills “as much as [they] can from when [the season began] to where [the coaching staff] wants them to be [at the end of the season].” Assistant coach and MHS history teacher Jonanthan Copithorne confidently expressed his desire “to win every game [possible]”. Nevertheless, Copithorne enjoys “seeing improvement” in the players and hopes for the players to “try hard and get better everyday.”
The biggest joy of lacrosse to Maney “is teaching” because “it is an opportunity to give back,” since lacrosse has “given [Maney] so much in [his] life.” Copithorne professes that lacrosse is a sport he feels “everyone should play,” as “it is the most exciting game out there” in his opinion.
Captain Bethea explained that he “feels free when [he is] playing.” Bethea enjoys “the physical aspect of [lacrosse]” that allows him more freedom in the plays that he can make on the field.
Regarding this year’s team, coach Maney loves how his players “always come ready to play.” He mentioned that “new [members] pitch in and help out” and that the team is “an easy group of guys to like.”
While the future is unknown for this team, Maney feels that there are definitely “some more wins out there for the records.” MHS believes in its boys lacrosse team and wishes it all the best for the remainder of the season and seasons to come.