Senior Ashley Yung with her internship presentation. Photo by Tatyanna Cabral.

On the morning of May 27, 2015,seniors who had departed the school for internship returned to teach others the value of the programs that they had been interning for. With more than 100 students who partook in internships, there was a variety of internships for underclassmen to consider.
The seniors displayed pictures and explanations of their experience and talked with staff and students about their fond memories and encounters with their possible future careers. From working in schools with children, to working in nursing homes with seniors and elderly the seniors immersed themselves in the community and broadened their education.

Senior Samantha French, who helped out with recruiting youth to join the US Marine Corps after completing high school, expressed that her favorite part of her internship was being at the schools. French explained that she answered questions the the children had and was happy that she managed to interest a couple students to consider joining the Marine Corps.
Senior Christine Fang worked in Mayor Gary Christenson’s office for her internship. She explained that she learned about the job responsibilities and necessities for handling, patience being an important quality. Fang expressed that she wants to pursue a career in marketing and her internship helped her learn

better communication skills that will help her later on.
From working in salons to working with music, there was also a variety of students who pursued interests within entertainment. There are not many opportunities where students can be an intern related to music or styling outside of college. With this program, these seniors have managed to experience this work before finally deciding that this path is the career they want to take.
What makes the senior internship program such a success is the variety that the students have available to them. The underclassmen see this variety when they look at the final projects, and it can show not only the interns, but also other students what a career can be like, and introduces the jobs that many do not pursue. All internships that seniors take on is an incredible learning experience as they leave the milestone of Malden High School.
The seniors have said goodbye to their high school years, and will be starting a new chapter in their lives. The senior internship program is a way to help these students make a huge decision at this pivotal point of their lives. Many students at the exhibition were happy and confident that their internship experience helped them realize that they are on the right path, and that success is in their future.