Senior Bianca Alves poses for a picture. Photo by Jesaias Benitez.

Bianca Alves, a senior at Malden High School, is not only a committed student, but a dedicated player on the field hockey team. Alves was inspired to join after “going to games freshman year to watch [her] friends play made [Alves] want to give it a shot.”
Alves joined her sophomore year and thought it was interesting because it was a combination of ice hockey and soccer. To a person unfamiliar with field hockey, Alves explained that most people think of field hockey as running up and down the field while dribbling a ball with a stick, but there is much more to it than what they may think.
“Teamwork and communication is key to the whole game. The players have to communicate with each other the entire time to know where the ball is going, and sometimes give each other advice,” described Alves. She is one of three defensive players on the team where her job on the field is to defend the goal from the opposing team.
Senior captain Katie Howe mentioned that Alves “can put a smile on the team’s face no matter what the score [is] and boosts the overall morale of the team.” Junior Erin Mulcahy explained that Alves “is such a great player since she is always pushing herself even when she feels defeated.” Mulcahy went on to say that Alves “is a great friend who is always there for anyone who needs her.” In addition, junior Rene Spadafora is in accordance with the other players, reiterating that “[she] is a friend that can always make [them] laugh on and off the field.”
Now in her senior year, Alves plans on attending college but has not yet decided if she will continue to play field hockey. While it may unfortunately be her final year as an MHS athlete, Alves is still excited to play her last year, determined and ready for upcoming games.
Great Article! Keep up the good work !