Top left to right: Cheerleaders performing during the pep rally, students supporting the Golden Tornados, a spirit team building a human pyramid. Bottom left to right: Students dressed as power rangers for wacky tacky, Principal Dana Brown dressed as the symbol for Snapchat, and students dressed for pajama day. All photos by Meghan Yip.

Bottom left to right: Students dressed as power rangers for wacky tacky, Principal Dana Brown dressed as the symbol for Snapchat, and students dressed for pajama day. All photos by Meghan Yip.
As the holidays approach, Malden High School says hello to yet another Spirit Week. Spirit Week takes place during the week of Thanksgiving where the school community expresses their pride. Students look forward to three days of laughter, photographs, school pride, and fun. The week is lined up with Pajama Day on Monday, Wacky-Tacky Day on Tuesday, and Blue and Gold day on Wednesday, along with the annual Pep Rally.
Although school pride is said to be mostly student-run, there are a few key staff members who make Spirit Week possible. Brenden Maney, Consult Teacher and Master of Ceremonies, helps to cumulate the events going in the auditorium on Wednesday. Maney says that he expects this year’s competition to be “the best yet.” Maney also adds that the senior class is looking like the winner already, however he expects great effort from all of the other classes as well.
Computer science teacher Paul Marques is the advisor of Spirit Week, directing the event alongside the National Honors Society. Along with many others, Marques expects people to “relax, get jazzed up, and have a lot of fun cheering on the Football players and their class.” Marques also adds that he hopes no one takes it too seriously, and just takes the week to relax.
Spirit Week is also an exciting time for the students as students eagerly anticipate the fun activities offered each day. Junior Sarah Jane Beaton says that she is “excited for the happiness and enthusiasm the students have for the Pep Rally, because that’s the day all of us are having a blast. We play games, watch performances, and support each other’s classes while having a fun time.” Spirit Week allows students to show their festive side with the beloved Pep Rally and the daily themes that call for unique self-expression, and it is a time for the student body to relax before the holidays.
As for last year’s spirit week, many people agreed that the MHS’ enthusiasm was memorable. Both Marques and Maney agreed that 2014’s spirit week was one of the best. “Everyone had a lot of fun,” Marques said. Last year, the class of 2015 won the pep rally, with sophomores in second, juniors in third, and freshmen in fourth. Both students and staff had a lot of fun, with dance teams, games, and athletics performing in the rally.
MHS looks forward to Spirit Week every year and the upcoming events is promising with excitement to both students and staff.