Since my post last week, global tensions have continued to rise.


President François Hollande has continued to speak out against the terror attacks in Paris that occurred nearly 2 weeks ago, and has now shifted gears, looking for a military response from French allies through direct action or indirect material support. It seems that more nations are following France’s lead, with British Prime Minister David Cameron most recently stating that he supports military action by Great Britain in Syria.

Read more about Cameron’s actions here.


Today, President Obama is meeting with Hollande to discuss the possible courses of action that the United States may take in the coming months. This meeting may prove to be a major turning point in the US fight against ISIS in Syria should Obama choose to follow France’s lead.

Read more about the Obama Hollande talk here.


Most disturbingly, Turkish F-16 fighter jets shot down a Russian Su-24 fighter jet that was purportedly flying in Turkish airspace just hours before writing this. As the search for the pilots continues, an international referendum is being planned to address this action by Turkey.

Read more about the Turkish action against Russia here.

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