Homepage Humans of Malden Local Humans of Malden 12/15 Meghan Yip December 15, 2015 By Meghan Yip and Samuel Martinez “I moved to the US when I was only 5. My parents and I had a very hard time adjusting to this new environment, especially my mom and I. It was, of course, intimidating, as we barely knew how to speak English. Everywhere I went, I always felt lost and out of place. I spent the early years of my school career not understanding anything and seeing my parents struggling with simple everyday tasks. I realized that I had to mature fairly quickly to become someone that could help my parents. I worked through the language barrier. Now, I do very well in school and I have taken on the responsibility of helping my parents break through the same barrier that I have.” #humansofmaldenhigh A photo posted by Humans of Malden High School (@_humansofmhs) on Dec 15, 2015 at 11:27am PST Continue Reading Previous: When Being ‘Genuine’ is DisingenuousNext: There is History to be Made Related Stories Homepage New Place of Faith: Malden Welcomes the Haitian Church of the Nazarene Chelmie Hyppolite March 3, 2025 Homepage Nouveau Lieu de Foi: Malden Accueille L’Église Haïtienne du Nazaréen Chelmie Hyppolite March 3, 2025 Homepage Local TikTok’s 14-Hour Ban: What Happened and What It Means for Users Alexia Lima March 3, 2025