A photo of Josue Quispe at his high school graduation in 2015. Photo provided by Brayan Angulo.

In memory of Josue Quispe, below are quotes from those close to him.
“It was a night at youth group during worship. I wanted change so much. I started crying out because of the wrong I’ve done. Josue saw that and came to pray for me and the one thing I can remember him saying so vividly that night was “God, look into his heart.” And after he prayed, he hugged me and I just cried on his shoulders. Josue was always comforting in that way. If you look into Josue’s heart, you can see all the good in him. By his actions, you were able to see the good in him. You always knew he was a man of God just by seeing how he presented himself. He was such an inspiration. You will forever be missed Jouse. I love you.” – Jesse Lobato
“Josue taught me that life continues.“ -Matthew Acuna
“The thing that he valued most in the world was discipline…he would even go running at 1 am sometimes.” – Brayan Angulo
“Junior Varieties was just around the corner last year. Brayan, Matt, Josue, and I were going to do a dance. We thought we could out dance Airbound, that we were the next Jabawockeez, that were ABDC material. So we all headed to Brayan’s house to come up with choreography and dance moves, and it was just two hours of free styling dancing that turned into karaoke singing John Legend. It was the funniest yet most enjoyable guy-time. I’ll never forget that.” – Richard Melgar
“Josue was someone I connected with on many levels. We shared a love of photography and I enjoyed having him work with me on techniques and yearbook work, but more importantly, he was someone who I could have an intellectual conversation with about things as large as world events or as finite as what he had for lunch. I admired his sense of personal pride and his honest desire to achieve success. I have to say that he was one of the most respectful young adults I have ever had the chance to teach and befriend. We agreed to stay in touch after graduation and we did. I will miss him for many reasons. Mostly I will miss the light that would shine in his eyes after every time we spoke. It assured me that he was always thinking about what he had learned from our conversation. I knew he would use it to better the lives of his friends and family because he was selfless, and there was never any doubt about that point.” – Mr. Jim Valente

Yo estoy muy agradecido por el amor y el aprecio que tuvieron con mi hijo Josue Daniel, aun que es dificil esto el siempre estara con todos nosotros, lo guardaremos en nuestros corazones y lo recordaremos toda la vida ,su espiritu y su memoria vive en nosotros.Muchas bendiciones y grasias por esta bella publicacion. atentamente ELBERT