Senior Ryan Luu swimming the breast stroke. Photo by Ana Kerr.
With a strong start of two wins and zero losses against Milton and Somerville, Malden High School’s swim team is off to nothing but a great start. The members of the swim team are all excited to see what the rest of the season has in store for them.

MHS’ swim team is one of the largest teams at MHS. Freshman Kevin Ochoa expressed, “If [he was] to talk about the diversity of our team, [he’d] say it’s quite vast. [His] team comes from all different backgrounds ranging across the world.” He added that “[their] diversity really makes [his] team special.”
Three words to describe MHS’ swim team would be united, resilient and humble.
Senior captain Ryan Luu explained that “[they] don’t look at [them]selves as any greater when [they] come out with a win.” Rather, “[they] just want to improve and move onto the next meet.” They are resilient because no matter what happens, the team comes back twice as strong as before. Junior Kevin Luu added, “Malden is a city that not many people know about and every year [they] find ways to make a name for [them]selves. Somehow [they] string together undefeated season after undefeated season.” Nothing can stop the swim team from a successful season.

This season has will be one that the team will not forget with the various memories and moments that have been shared between the members. Junior Brynn Kankel stated that one her favorite memories was when “one day after practice some of the team stayed after and had a diving contest in the pool. It was so funny and people were really getting into it and showing off their dives.” Being part of a team does not only bring a lifetime of memories but also a loving group of people to consider as second family.