Annually, Malden High School, along with its athletics department, holds multiple events for each sport. Some new...
Month: October 2016
Every Halloween, the Malden Public Library hosts their annual ‘Halloween Party.’ On October 27th from 3:00 pm to...
A year ago, Malden lost a friend, a son, a student, and a teammate. Josue “Danny” Quispe...
BY FALYN KELLEY & ANA PIROSCA On Thursday, October 20th, Dancing with the Teachers made their 2nd...
Freshman Simon Daponta is a new member of the golf team in Malden High School. So far,...
BY JOSANDY JEUNE & SABRINA MONTEIRO The Technovation Challenge was created to help girls become more interested...
There is a common belief that mental illness can only strike adults when actually, any given student...
How long have you been playing for? And what has made you stay in the sport? I’ve...
Honestly, being the Editor-in-Chief of The Blue and Gold newspaper has been such a surreal experience so...