Originating in Scotland, tracing back to the 15th centuries, modern golf is played all over the world: it spreads all over the 5 continents- America, Europe, Africa, Australia, and even Asia!

Many thought of golf as a basic game with a simple goal- to hit the ball into the designated place nothing more, nothing less. However, little did people know that behind all the simplicity of the rules and the strokes of a golfer is a dignified principle, that it is “a game of honor and respect” explains Malden High golf coach Richard Malatesta.

What makes golf so great is not just the competitive atmosphere but also the core values which it stands for. It is not only a game of logic but also of dignity. In a match, golfers are their own referees, which means it is up to them to be honest with themselves and also other players. This is what makes golf so different and unique to other sports because the players are alone with their own judgement and character. They not only fight with other rivals on the field but also the temptation to win through the meaning of cheating.

Besides honesty, golf also requires sportsmanship and courtesy among the players. Without such qualities, conflicts would be the likely outcome and golf would not be the honorable sport that it is today. In a team, these values come in with much, much more importance. An act as trivial as making the lane for someone else when you are done or give someone else a hand when they needed it can bring the team closer and stronger as a whole.

In addition to those mentioned, another important core value is responsibility. The players are in charge of keeping up scores, calling out penalties and the golf field itself. After a match, all participants are expected to not leave any trash behind and to keep the surrounding as neat as possible. Furthermore, a golfer should also be able to keep up with the pace with the game and repair ball marks on the green. It is the duty that one has to carry as a golfer.

“Golf is another metaphor for life,” explains coach Malatesta, “and one can always learn something new every time one plays.”


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