Maldenism Club Donates to Respond Inc.

Maldenism Club, a club relatively new to the Malden High School community, has already began making an impact, and continues to do so by collecting donations for Respond Inc., an organization focusing on helping people in domestic violence situations, which the organization calls a “serious public health issue”. The organization works out of the New England area, Malden being a part of the cities they serve.

Maldenism Club, advised by Kerry Veritas, was started last year by two seniors who “were hoping to get feminism and issues of feminism to Malden High School”, coming to Veritas to be their advisor. She hopes that the club teaches people what feminism is and what feminist isn’t.” Veritas cites the “really strong perception by some that feminism is man hating and extreme, and that has not been the goal.” Club president and senior, Matthew Savini-Burke, noted that a goal of the club is to educate people about equal rights and “why feminism is still prevalent.”

Bins of donated items for Respond Inc. by Maldenism Club. Photo by Rebecca Pereira.
Bins of donated items for Respond Inc. by Maldenism Club. Photo by Rebecca Pereira.

Last year, the club had talked about wanting to accomplish more actions regarding women’s lives. The club speaks a lot about topics such as domestic violence, and the members wanted to do something, “some events, some actions,” to help. Veritas came across Respond Inc. to collect donations for.

The club is looking for toiletries, shampoo, conditioner, razors, and “things that if you had to leave your house suddenly, you wouldn’t have.” Feminine Hygiene products are one of the biggest things the club is looking for, since “it’s something people don’t think to donate,” even though it is something women really need. In addition to these items, teacher have donated gift cards, after asking how they could donate more.

Veritas says that “any way that [they] can look outside ourselves and help people is a good thing.”

Donations are being collected in Veritas’ room, Br460, the Brunelli house office, library, and nurse’s office.

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