Senior Germano Fidelis is leading the Malden High boys volleyball team as a captain for the third straight season. As a sophomore, Fidelis was one of the many student athletes that proposed a boys volleyball team to Malden High School. He got his wish that year, and has served as team captain since the program’s inception.
Having never played organized volleyball before the school’s program began his sophomore year, Fidelis cited his growth as a player over the past three years as something he is very proud of. He explained that personally, he has improved his game significantly through “acquiring experience of the game” and now is able to “pass on tips and tricks to [his] teammates.”

When asked what aspect of the sport he enjoyed most, Fidelis replied that “[he enjoys] the teamwork embedded in volleyball” and “how every position has its role in getting a point for the team.”
Last season the team failed to qualify for the postseason, but his year, Fidelis hopes to lead his team to a playoff berth in his final year on the team. However, doing so will be challenging as the team has lost numerous seniors from the season before who were key assets to the team. In order to succeed in this newcomers and lesser experienced players must step up and perform. In fact, it is “training the game of volleyball to the new underclassmen interested in the program” that Fidelis finds as the most challenging aspect of the season.
When asked about the locker room, Fidelis praised the team’s chemistry. He stated that the chemistry between the returning players is “stellar” and that “[they] have a bond like no other. He elaborated that his teammates “continue improve together” while also maintaining “a friendly and goofy atmosphere during the season.” He concluded that this season he is most looking forward to “getting together with my teammates and playing some competitive volleyball” while also “have a good time.”
Outside of volleyball, Fidelis is also a dedicated soccer player and plays for the high school in the fall season. Additionally he continues with soccer into the winter where he plays for a club team. Other than sports, Fidelis expressed his love for listening to music and describes it as “one of [his] favorite hobbies.”