The year is coming to an end, and for many Malden High students, this is not just the end of a year, but of an era. For the seniors, high school is over, and they are rapidly approaching the unknown world of adulthood. Many people say that the four years of high school are the years that form the person you will grow to be, so showing your true colors and remaining focused is vital. While at the moment it seems very stressful, it pays off in time.
One example of hard work and dedication is Malden High senior Karen Luo who has been ranked in the top ten of her graduating class. Not only did she manage to excel academically, but she also was involved in extracurriculars such as lacrosse and volunteering events. When asked, Luo claimed that high school was the first time she had gotten involved in any kind of extracurriculars to which “[she] kept [her]self on track and learned to balance school and extracurricular activities.”
Luo played lacrosse all four years of high school, and became one of the three captains this past season. She stated that she had been concerned that she could not balance leading the team as well as managing the workload of her more rigorous classes, AP Calculus, French, and Physics. While “in the beginning it was all very overwhelming, [she] took a breath and found ways to manage [her] time, putting [her] studies to use and getting as much work done [as possible] before it was time to get on the field.” Malden High chemistry teacher, Martin Berryman, had only good things to say about Luo, claiming that “[she] is one of the most honest and responsible students [he has] known. She has a tremendous work ethic and generous heart.”
Luo said that since freshman year she has been looking forward to graduating and “remember[s] telling [her] friends that [she] can not wait until these next four years come to an end” however, “after every year, it seemed as if the days flew by faster and faster.”
Luo will be attending Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) to study pharmacology and toxicology, claiming that “[she has] always been intrigued by the way medicine works within our bodies and [has always been] fascinated by medical research.” Now that she is graduating, she “wish[es] that [she] spent more time enjoying the time before taking a step into being an adult.
There have been many ups and down throughout these four years, but each has been a learning experience.” The hard work and dedication she has displayed in the past four years is evident, and she will achieve all the great things she may set her mind to.