Senior Don Nguyen leaves Malden High School after a successful academic career geared towards robotics and computer science. Nguyen is excited to continue his journey in these fields in college. Nguyen is graduating with the class of 2017 as the second ranked member of his class.
Outside of computer sciences, Nguyen was also involved with the Malden YMCA and the Leaders Core. Nguyen stated that at first he only involved himself in the events and activities as a member but eventually began to help the officers create spreadsheets and work on the management aspect of the club.
Nguyen had also participated in track for a bit and stated he thinks fondly of making memories with the new friends he had made from that team.
Nguyen is thankful to computer science teacher Paul Marques for “providing [them] with a bunch of opportunities [in their field].”
Marques praised Nguyen for “[his] commitment, devotion to the subject matter, and [his] personality overall.”’ Additionally, Marques expressed his admiration for “Nguyen’s uncanny ability to figure out the nitty-gritty.” Marques also stated he believes that Nguyen will do “excellent” in his future endeavors.
Nguyen’s background in computer science drew him to the Robotics Club, which he has been a part of for his junior and senior years. Reflecting on their past tournaments Nguyen commented that last year’s competition did not go as well as they had hoped, however this year they “got first place, which was nice.”
Robotics is one of the hobbies that Nguyen hopes to explore even further in college. Nguyen also stated he looks forward to “look[ing] around to see what is available” in the college community.
As many seniors approach the end of high school, they experience feelings of anxiety for the future. Nguyen is not immune to these worries but he prefers to ponder over how his college transition will work out. He anticipates his newfound sense of responsibility as he will have to find his own balance in life during his freshman year. Nguyen will miss having “relatively less responsibility since we are just kids.”
Nguyen plans on attending Northeastern University in the fall, majoring in Computer Science and is considering adding a minor as well. He is uncertain of what he would minor in. Nguyen enjoys computer science because “it is procedural and basically just solving puzzles.” Nguyen will be dorming at Northeastern come this Fall, as the university requires all of the incoming freshmen to dorm with the school.
While undergoing the transition to college, Nguyen stated that he is going to miss the teachers he had for many years including Julie Snyder, who he had for three years, and Marques, who he has had all four years.
Nguyen will also miss his friends from high school and all other teachers and staff members influential to him throughout his time here at Malden High.