Black Culture Club members at the first meeting. Photo by Carolina Cuevas.
Malden High School is introducing a brand new club, the Black Culture Club. The club was created to help educate students about past and present black heritage. Since the school does not have any events that acknowledge black heritage, the club members also hope to plan to have a show expressing its history and knowledge to the entire school during Black History month.
The idea of the club started about four weeks ago after the idea for the show. Christina Charles, the Vice-President of the club, used to have an event like this at their previous school to celebrate the great things those in our black history have done, which is what sparked her idea for having the club now.
The club consists of three advisers and two officers. The advisers are three teachers, Kayla Scheitlin, Michelle Filer, and Damian Aufiero. And the officers are Gerdley Cadet (President) and Christina Charles (Vice-President). Since the club has only just begun, not all the roles for the officers have been filled yet.
Activities include a monthly representative for posters that will be hung up around the school. These posters will share information about whom the month is dedicated to and what they have done to be recognized. An example of this would be having a “Martin Luther King Jr. Month” where his picture would be shown on the posters along with a description and facts on his impact.

The club will also talk about what they would do to help inform the students of Malden High about their purpose and American black history. They will also talk about black heritage outside of the United States.
Meetings for the club will be held on Thursdays at 2:15pm after school in B334, Ms. Scheitlin’s classroom.