Members of the Chemistry Club Prepare for an Experiment. Photo Taken by Falyn Kelley.J

For his fifth year in a row, Martin Berryman will be advising the chemistry club, a place to do science experiments at the school. Even before Berryman took over, the club existed at MHS, it was just passed down to him.
What exactly is chemistry club? It’s an opportunity for people to get together and do chemistry related things after school. The main goal of chemistry club is getting students involved and showing them that chemistry experiments can be done without all the strenuous math, even when they seemed uninterested beforehand, and to inspire them to go out and do science on their own, All the experiments in chemistry club are extremely safe and simple but fun, accompanied with detailed instructions and Berryman’s watchful eye making sure everything runs smoothly.

Chemistry club is just about the fun aspect of science experiments, but that doesn’t mean members won’t learn anything. The club is based around the experimentation not the education of chemistry, but members surely pick up a few things along the way, turning the learning process into something fun and interactive.
Every experiment that the chemistry club partakes in, comes with an intricate instructional paper with an easily readable layout and information on the experiment, answering questions such as “why and how does this happen?”. Taking something as simple as a lava lamp experiment and turning it into a learning experience, is meant to be fun.
Kids who enjoy science and kids who don’t can enjoy this club equally. If anyone have an urge to learn or just want to have fun, chemistry club can cater to you with it’s large roster of members, three club officers, and one ecstatic advisor, all ready to help you understand the wonders of chemistry and chemical reactions.

Along with all that it seems like no one would need anything else to be convinced to join, but even with all that, there’s still more. The chemistry club goes to the museum of science in Boston twice a year, every year, and does chemistry demonstrations for museum visitors. The club visits the museum in the fall for National Chemistry Week, and in the spring for Earth Day.
In Berryman’s words, “it’s a good idea to join chemistry club if you like making new stuff from old stuff, have fun, and see cool things happen.” Chemistry club takes place in Berryman’s room, B432, every other thursday from 2:30 to 3:30.