Logo for the second 'Guardians of the Galaxy' film, which was screened at the Malden Public Library on September 28. Courtesy of Wikimedia.

The Malden Public Library hosts a movie night for the city’s young adults every month, usually located in the Maccario Room. The staff sets up a screen to play the movies on and usually supply snacks such as popcorn, soda and cookies for everybody who comes to watch.
Young Adult Movie Nights are open to anyone between the 6th and 12th grade which differs to the regular Movie Nights the library has that are open to the whole public.
The Movie Night this month occurred on Thursday, September 28th. The library chose to play the Marvel movie, Guardians of the Galaxy Volume Two directed by James Gunn and starring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, and Karen Gillan.
The movie is a sequel to the original Guardians of the Galaxy and follows the story of Peter Quill, also known as Star Lord. After doing a job for an alien race called the Sovereign, he and his companions end up having to run away to avoid vengeance from them because Rocket stole the items they were sent to protect. On their way to escape, they discover Peter’s heritage. The adventure movie contains interesting musical choices in the soundtrack and very humorous scenes and lines that would be pretty odd in other action movies, but somehow fit in Guardians of the Galaxy.
The movie was pretty successful, reeling in an impressive amount at the box office with 863.4 million U.S dollars. IMDb gave the movie a rating of 7.9/10. Since this film is the sequel to a movie based on a Marvel Comics series, it already has a wide fan base.
Even with the popularity of the film, the event only attracts a more intimate crowd, despite the announcement of the event on flyers by the library doors and on the Malden Public Library’s website.
Events held by the library for the youth are tremendous opportunities to meet new people and to interact with others in a safe environment. It is also a fun way to spend evenings with friends without having to really worry. It is strongly encouraged that everyone should go and take advantage of great events like this one.
The next movie night will be will be around the end of October, which will be showing another popular movie, Spider-Man: Homecoming.