Sophomore Sean Lightbody getting ready to putt. Photo by Ajithaan Sathiyendra
As the golf season is coming towards an end, the MHS golf team is getting ready to participate in the Northeast Conference (NEC) meet, which they have been preparing for throughout this season. The MHS golf team this season was lead by Seniors Tylor West, Michael Giordano and Junior Reid Kankel and coached by Richard Malatesta.
The main goal for the golf team this season was to win as many matches as possible and to attend the NEC. They have improved their performance a lot as they have won more matches this season compared to last season. Sophomore Sean Lightbody’s goal this season was to “win a match since [he had not gotten the chance] to play a lot of matches last year”. He was able to meet his goal this season by winning multiple games.

Lightbody mentioned that a major factor for their improvement this season was having more returning members with experience because “[most players] needed to practice a lot since [they] were new and did not have a lot of experience.” Overall, the team believes that they have done a better job in performance this season compared to their previous season. “The start of the season was great” stated Senior Captain Tylor West, as they had already won a few matches at the start of this season. The team believes that they have tried their best and had done a pretty good job this season.

Last year, their main obstacle was finding more players to make a team as most of their players graduated the year before. However, Lightbody believes that “there was nothing that bad” as they did not have a problem with recruiting new members this year. The team believes that they had a pretty smooth season this year compared to the past few years.
The golf team has made many achievements this season. One major achievement the team had made this season was that a player eagled the goal, which is a very difficult move to do.
Although the team has made many improvements this season, some players believe that they can still make more improvements. Lightbody’s goal for next season is to “do better on putting in general” as he believes that he can improve more on the skill.
The golf team will be departing from this season’s captains Tylor West and Michael Giordano as they will be graduating at the end of this school year.
The MHS golf team is looking forward to attending the NEC meet, which will mark the ending of their season