A display part of MATV's Haunted House. Photo by Sandra Rivadeneira.

Malden Access TV hosted its 12th Annual Haunted House on Halloween. The event is typically made for the younger audience, kids of the age 10 and under, but is happily opened for the general audience. The event is part of Malden’s Chamber of Commerce Trick-Or-Treating event in Malden Square, an event that the city has open between 3pm-5pm on Halloween for children to trick or treat at local businesses through Exchange and Pleasant Street.
By Malden City Hall, tables are set up with map routes and crafts for participates. There are also some police cars and firetrucks for kids to see and take pictures by. Friends of Malden Public Library even participated and had a table with free Halloween themed books for kids.
Every participating store had a sign with jack-o-lantern on it that represents that they’re business part of the event so children who were in costume could walk in and ask for candy. The Chamber Commerce Trick-or-Treat was also an event where YMCA Leaders gave their time and participated in by helping parents and children around and greeting them, wishing them a Happy Halloween.
MATV’s contribution was hosting a haunted house walk-through in their studio, where participant reactions were recorded and broadcast on their channel. The trail of the haunted house included a dark pathway with some jump scares such as hands popping out of curtains and a huge spider dropping from the ceiling. In the middle was someone who would be dressed up in front of the camera and people would step on the stage and see themselves on TV. At the end of the path, visitors were rewarded for with a piece of chocolate.. The house’s purpose wasn’t to really scare children but to just five those children who entered a spooky feel.
Many kids along with their parents enjoyed the Haunted House and the rest of the activities of the Chamber’s Trick or Treat. YMCA Leader, Jimmy Ton, who got to go see the haunted house, says “[he liked] the details they put into it,” and that he favorite part was when “[He] got to say hello to the camera.”
The haunted house, along with the rest of the event was a joyful time for family and a great time for young children