On November 18, Malden High School’s Tornado Club held their 32nd Hall of Fame Banquet and Induction Ceremony. Distinguished leaders from Malden were all present at this event, including the Mayor of Malden Gary Christenson, the Superintendent of Schools John Oteri, and the Principal of Malden High School Ted Lombardi.
In addition, many of Malden High School’s alumni attended to the event and were recognized. The Golden Tornado Club now has 245 members, including the seven 2017 inductees. One being former Physical Education teacher, and current Athletics Director, Charlie Conefrey. The other inductees were Paul Frazer, Paul Miller, William Roderick, Corey Johnson, Shelia Nanjenjo, and Stephan Verdi.

A scholarship for $1,000, the Peter Donoghue Golden Eagle Award, is given to a Malden High School athlete every year. Last year, basketball player, Nathaniel Ilebode was given the scholarship. This year two people from the senior class of 2018 was awarded with the scholarship, Patrick Pereira and Harrison Zeiberg.
Patrick Pereira has played soccer since middle school, and has continued his soccer career for all four years while being at Malden High School. He stated, “It’s not just playing the sport,” to him soccer has been a pivotal point in his life. He added that he will always “remember the amazing records set, the moments created, and all the other fun activities that occurred during the season”. Pereira believed that the relationship with his team members and Soccer Coach Jeremiah Smith “made [his] essay a little more meaningful”.
In addition to the Peter Donoghue Award, two people were given the Distinguished Service Award. The two individuals were Henry Dorazio, Jr. , and James “Jimmy” Dorazio. Also, Harry Mehos and Dick Vaughan was given the Golden tornado Club Alumni Award.
Aside from awards, current Officers, Board of Directors, and past Presidents were honored at the event.