MHS Boys pose for a group photo after a well deserved victory over Revere.

Track has ended their season on a good note with a winning streak. They have beaten teams from Beverly, Revere, Peabody, Marblehead. They hope to accomplish more at States coming up soon.
Coach David Londino thinks that the team did great this entire season. What he wishes to accomplish really soon is qualify more people for track. Londino stated that “[The team has] major state invitationals coming up and [their] runners will race against top notch competition on quality tracks, so [they are] looking to qualify as many athletes as possible for the state meet.” When asked about the team in general, he said how proud he is of them, as “[they] finished the dual meet season 6-1. The NEC is a highly competitive track league, so the [boys team’s] efforts and results have been quite impressive.” On the team’s challenges, Londino said that “the only challenge [the team] faced this year was a lack of depth compared to previous seasons.” After the end of the season, Londino explained how “[the team will] take a short break and start getting ready for [outdoor track]. With the new season and the development of a middle school program, there [will not] be time to miss indoor.”
Londino said that the team is ready for States with the state qualifiers. Some team members that are qualified for States are Sophomores Ezra Kruckenberg, Wesley Pierre, and Junior Andjy Luxama. On how he feels about states, Londino believes “[the team will] perform well. [It is] hard to say exactly how well since [they will not] know who all of state qualifiers are until a couple weeks from now.” Londino added that he is prepared for what is coming soon, saying that “[the team is] looking good. Like [he] said, [they are] trying to achieve personal bests and qualify for states.”
Junior Christopher D’Entremont has been doing track since his freshman year, this is his third season. D’Entremont said he became interested in track “because [he] was told from other runners that doing track was a great experience and that it is a great thing to do outside of school.” He described that “[his] strengths include the motivation to get to [his] goals, and that [he is] not easily discouraged. [He would] say that [his] weaknesses include trying to be on the same athletic level as some of [his] teammates, as well as some physical difficulties.” D’Entremont said the team has a lot of strengths and not a whole lot of weakness, claiming that [Their strengths as a team] definitely include having good athletes in every aspect of track, including sprinting, distance, high jump, and shot put. [They do not] have many weaknesses, but one might be injuries to certain runners, which allows [the team] to adapt to certain situations so that [they] can move forward as a team.”
Junior Kyle O’Brien has been doing track since his freshman year and did cross country and track later. He said “[his strength is] working hard and [he does not know] a weakness but [he would] say getting ready quicker for practice. What he will miss most about this season is “ running and [his teammates] the most.”