Zeiberg with Board of Review Members. Photo submitted by Harrison Zeiberg.

On Tuesday, Jan. 23, MHS Senor Harrison Zeiberg became an Eagle Scout. The Eagle Scout rank is the highest achievement that any Boy Scout can receive. Starting all the way from the very first rank, any Scout who wishes to achieve the title of Eagle Scout has to put in years of hard work through completing requirements, camping, and building a strong bond with their peers.
Statistics show that roughly 5% of all Boy Scouts become Eagle Scouts, which makes this rank an impressive accomplishment. Zeiberg started Boy Scouts at the end of 6th grade, coming from Cub Scouts which is the program that is open to those in first grade through sixth grade. Zeiberg, who is from Malden Troop 603, stated that “[it is] an odd feeling having completed scouting because [it has] been a part of [his] life since [he was] born”.

Zeiberg’s siblings have also been involved in Scouting. His brother earned his Eagle Scout Rank and his sister earned her Gold Award from the Girl Scouts. Although he has completed Scouting and is recognized as an adult by the organization, Zeiberg plans to help out within the troop.
One of the many requirements needed to reach the rank of Eagle is to plan and execute a project that benefits the community. With the help of Zeiberg’s sister, he was able to create a Butterfly Garden at O’Connell Delta in Malden, MA with the help of fellow scouts in his troop. When spring comes, Zeiberg’s garden will attract more pollinators.
While this is a great accomplish for Zeiberg who has been working towards this for years, he says that anyone who is interested in scouting should join as it can provide opportunities that you cannot receive anywhere else. And for those who are close to finishing, should keep track of all records as it will make the process much easier.