Junior Matt DiStefano, who has been a part of the crew team since his freshman year, is hoping to continue to progress as a rower and earn a medal with his boat.

DiStefano first got his experience in the sport during his middle school years, when he took part in the summer crew camp offered by the MHS crew team. Despite not being interested in the camp at the time, it provided him with some experience which later influenced him to join the sport.

DiStefano explained that the previous season went well, saying that “[the team was] good for where [they] were.” Although DiStefano explained he had an exceptional season last year, he makes it clear that he has also improved as an individual as well. He described his erg time as a freshman to be “mediocre” and how it was also in the “middle range.” He recalled how “going on [to his] sophomore year, [he] dropped a whole half minute which is like really good, so [he] went down to a 7:26 and [he] ended up having one of the best times.”

Matt DiStefano during a race. Photo submitted by Matt DiStefano.


He continues to express his main goal for the season which is to improve on and eventually get below seven minutes for his erg time which he said is a “milestone.” Although he is attempting to achieve this goal this year, he explained that it is less likely but hopes to reach his goal senior year.

As for preparing for the season, DiStefano explained that the team is doing a lot more swimming.

Junior Sebastian Romani considers DiStefano to be a great rower. Romani described how he has been a great rower since freshman year and always puts in the effort as well as hard work to the boat and the team.

Despite being in separate boats, Junior Salma Bezzat explained from a teammate’s perspective that DiStefano is one of their top rowers who is usually the stroke seat. She added how she thinks the stroke seat is for someone who is “reliable and is trustworthy.” She stated, “[DiStefano] puts in his full effort at every regatta and he’s always doing the right thing”.

Junior Harrison Jacob Taylor mentioned how he was in DiStefano’s class from fourth through eighth grade and is still in some of his classes. He added that he has good form as well as good pressure. Taylor mentioned that DiStefano’s best aspects are that he is “thoughtful, respectful, hard-working, and isn’t afraid to stick [up] for what he believes in.”

DiStefano has a role of doing a lot of turning the boat around and a lot of setting the pace as well as keeping everything balanced. He also has a leadership role in helping the younger rowers on the team as well.

Overall, DiStefano is ready to begin the crew season in hopes of having a successful one.

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