The Malden Reads program hosts movie nights with films whose themes relate to the books Malden Reads chooses.

The book chosen for this year e is “The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas. The film chosen to represent this theme was “I Am Not Your Negro”. The topics that the Malden Reads try to focus on is the perspective of youth, addressing the challenges of racial and income inequalities. They want to focus on having people respect other points of views.

“I am Not Your Negro” is a documentary on racism in America. The film is rated PG-13 and it’s entirely inspired from a James Baldwin unfinished manuscript, Remember the House, which was a memoir of personal reflections of civil rights leaders. The documentary encourages the audience to find their own voice and to stand up for what they believe is right. This is important to the Malden reads community because they believe that the younger generations should learn to voice their opinions and to not stay silent when they believe something is wrong. The audience that the Malden Reads generally target is teens and adults.

Movie Nights are usually located at the Malden Public Library. The Malden Public Library is a collaborating partner with the Malden Reads. The Malden Public Library is a good place to host the movie nights because it’s in the center of Malden.

The Malden Reads post their movie night schedules on their website On their website you can sign up to be on their email list, which will allow them to notify you about upcoming events.

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