Girls Tennis Profile: Jenny Nguyen

Sophomore Jenny Nguyen is playing on the varsity girls tennis team for her second year playing tennis. Junior Nikita Puri is one of Nguyen’s closest friends on the team. They both say “ [They] have gotten along since [they] first met”. Puri says that she is “a really good friend and an awesome teammate and on top of that, she’s very supportive. Whenever [Puri] ask[s] her, she’s down to play and [Puri] love[s] that about her.” Nguyen is also close friends with Sophomore Astha Lama who tried out for tennis together during freshman year.

Jenny Nguyen. Photo by Jennica Ruan.

Nguyen started her tennis career at the beginning of high school, which she regrets. Even when she was a kid, she had always loved tennis but never got the chance to play until high school. She regrets not exposing herself at an earlier age to gain more experience.

Junior Queenie Dang and others on the team says Nguyen “gets along with the team really well” and “ She’s always friendly and willing to talk to anyone. She is also very positive and tries to keep everyone’s heads up. She’s also a good players and always tries her hardest on the court.”

Nguyen states that everyone is super supportive and “as a team [they are] there for each other and [are able to] grow as a family, therefore [the team] get closer to one another and get to know each other”.

Besides tennis, Nguyen is also known for being apart of a dance group called cypher. Between the two activities and school, Nguyen has a very busy schedule but she tries to maintain it to continue doing what she loves.

As a tennis player she looks up to professionals like Serena Williams and Roger Federer. Tennis is her stress reliever from her busy life ever since she started playing. After high school, Nguyen hopes to continue playing and continue to improve and hopefully have a deeper connection to the sport and make new friends.

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