Senior Kevin Luo has been apart of the Crew team for three years since his sophomore year.
Luo was born in China and later came to America fours ago just before attending Malden High School. Prior to attending MHS, he went to Salemwood School. Luo describes how he decided to join the crew team because his two friends wanted him to join in which he then states, “I just went with them and did it.”
Luo hopes to have successful wins this season as well as improving among their own team because he describes how schools row all year and MHS only rows during the spring season. He says that because of this, “they beat us most of the time but we will try to improve ourselves and hopefully get some wins and hopefully make it to states.”
This season, Luo set set a goal for himself which is to break seven minutes on erg. He hopes to achieve these goals by giving his best efforts during practices and working out on his own time as well as having a healthy diet.
Despite having goals set for himself, Luo mentions how his weakness would be balancing the boat because he rushes sometimes during the races. As for his strength, he believes it is his power to weight ratio.
Luo hopes to improve his set on the boat which is the main goal he wants to improve on, but still has a goal of also breaking his erg time as well.
When first joining the Crew team, Luo had not been comfortable with speaking english. He states “I have like mostly friends who have all come from China but since I have joined crew, I have met a lot of new people and it’s something that has changed.” He continues to explain that at first, he was “shy” and was kind of doing his own thing with his own group. Now, he is open to everyone on the team.
Aside from Crew and after his homework is completed, Luo enjoys working out, playing video games, and watching Netflix. He also adds that music is a big part of him too.
Overall, Luo states that Crew has been “life changing” for himself as an individual and hopes to have a great season. His advice to others would be to “embrace the Crew culture.”