Malden High has ordered hijabs for student athletes in which Charlie Conefrey explains how he is looking forward for them. Conefrey makes it clear that the idea of getting hijabs for students athletes was centered around sophomores Batoul and Nour Chouiki who have participated in Soccer and both Indoor and Outdoor Track.
Having done some research, Conefrey explains that from what he had found from his research, it appeared that Nike had the athletic versions of the hijabs, although he wanted to see if there were other companies who have had the hijabs as well.
Conefrey believes that this athletic hijab will be “an added benefit” to the uniform for the students who currently wear hijabs and play sports.
Conefrey also expands on the fact that now it is an MIAA rule that any color could be worn. The rule came out last year that any color hijab could be worn without any penalty. He also hopes that for students thinking about playing sports, this may entice them to feel a little bit more “comfortable.”
Being the most diverse school in Massachusetts, Conefrey makes it clear that it is their number one priority to make sure that as an athletic department and administration, that it is at the “forefront of their thought process” and everything that they do from scheduling games to scheduling certain events making sure that everyone feels welcome.
Conefrey wants everyone to feel that they belong and wants to be all inclusive as possible so that everyone has the same opportunity, male or female.
The idea of having these hijabs available came from Principal Chris Mastrangelo as he suggested it to Conefrey. Although Conefrey cannot say for sure whether Principal Mastrangelo came up with this idea himself, he still believes that it centers around Batoul and Nour Chouiki.
Nour Chouiki believes this is really “cool” and feels honored due to how the school thinks so highly about them. She states, “it’s such a unique idea and just makes [her] feel special.” Batoul Chouiki says she feels “honored and grateful” that the school is empowering their faith and religion.
Both Batoul and Nour Chouiki believe that the hijabs will not interfere with their athletic performances as they both believe “an athlete is not made by how good the product it, it is made by the athletes talents and passion.” Batoul Chouiki adds that they will make them feel more confident and will have to worry less about it “slipping off.”
Batoul Chouiki explains that being able to attend such a diverse school that takes many different religions into account. She feels “comfortable” and likes how she is able to receive a different culture experience.
Nour Chouiki mentions how she feels “happy and grateful” along with feeling comfortable. She states, “[She does not] feel as shy and [she] feels that [she is] respected by everyone around [her].” She continues to elaborate on the fact that people don’t view her as different in which she says “because everyone is different.”
Overall, both Batoul Chouiki and Nour Chouiki are looking forward to receiving the athletic hijabs.