Junior Myo Theingi serving the ball. Photo taken by Julie Yu.
With a final record of 7-15, the MHS Girls Volleyball team have put forth their best efforts throughout the season.
Junior Captain Brenda Dias believes that the season went pretty well considering that their overall record is better than last years. However, she explains how the team still has to make improvements; she says that they are in a “rebuilding stage.”
As for the outcome of the season, Dias was expecting her and her teammates to make it to States, but is still proud of her teammates for having a better record than last year and “winning more games.”
Dias explains that individually, she has improved with the help of Coach Dan Jurkowski, while reaching a goal she had set for herself which was becoming captain. She believes that her loudness on the court as well as her energy is an aspect that has helped her teammates throughout the season.
Dias believes that the Winthrop game would have to be the best memory she has with her teammates because it was one of the captain’s birthday and had been their second game of the season while resulting in a win.
Senior Captain Mirabelle Jean Louis elaborates on how the season did not turn out the way she was expecting, which was making States, but is “extremely proud” of all the girls on both Varsity and JV. She continues to explain that it being her last season, she has gotten really close with her other teammates with the help of team bonding.
As for goals, Jean Louis wanted to get closer to her teammates and have a better chemistry with them on the court. She goes on the describe how she believes she has achieved that while explaining how everyone on the team “has gotten so much closer.”
Jean Louis believes that throughout her four years of playing for MHS, she has improved as individual and has gotten a “step up.” She elaborates on how she has improved on hitting, although she believes her serving can at times be “questionable.” Overall, Jean Louis explains how she is fascinated with how far she came, as well as how much she has improved as a player.

Jean Louis describes that emotionally, it still has not hit her that this was her last season playing for MHS and still has yet to determine whether she will be playing in college or not as she says, “it is still a decision [she] has to make.”
Although Jean Louis explains that she did not have a solid relationship with Coach Jurkowski at first, she describes how he “assured” her that she can improve. She continues to explain how he is constantly helping her become a better player while proving on her skills.
Similarly, Dias explain how their coach has helped her a great amount. She states, “he is just fantastic overall.” She believes that although he is a coach overall, he cares about them in general and wants them to do better.
Senior Captain Alicia Libby adds she is just happy to go out on a “good note” and win their last three games of the season. She continues to explain how this being her senior year, her and Jean Louis both wanted to make it a priority to make it to States in which she says it is still understandable.
Libby continues to describe as for improvements she has progressed and improved from the previous years. Emotionally, she explains that she was shocked when she found out she was captain but was “very happy.”
Although Libby has been contacted by colleges, she has yet to decide whether she will continue with the sport or not.
Libby adds on that Coach Jurkowski is “just the best overall” and cares for all of the team members on and off of the court.
Although this season resulted in more wins than the previous season, the Malden High Girls Volleyball team gave their best efforts in ending the season on a strong note.