Students watching Crazy Rich Asians in the MHS cafeteria.
UNICEF club held a movie night in the cafeteria on Friday, December 7th. They screened the box office hit “Crazy Rich Asians,” which attracted attention earlier this year for featuring two asian leads.
The movie is about a rich family which’s son, Nick Young, invites his girlfriend, Rachel Chu, to go with him to his best friend’s wedding in Singapore, where Chu is forced to deal with envious women and far wore, Young’s mother.
UNICEF club President Sohaila Ammar said the base of the club is about “trying to help countries all over the world. Similar to other volunteering clubs in the school, “[they] try to make as much profit as possible so [they] can donate to underdeveloped countries.”
Club member Sandra Rivadeneira added that “UNICEF club is a part of the UNICEF organization, which focuses especially on children, to be able to not only get clean water but also an education and help break out of the poverty cycle that they’re in.”
The officers of the club decided on a movie night because they thought it’d be a good way of raising money, though each ticket was only three dollars each. Club Historian and Treasurer Diana Garcia De La Cruz, added onto that by saying that the movie night was a way to “interact with their club members.” De La Cruz and Ammar agree that it was a way to get “the whole school to participate,” rather than just the usual club members, in hopes of getting those new members in the process.
According to Rivadeneira, the club chose this particular movie because “it was trendy and people were liking it,” so even if movie nights normally are not popular, the club hoped the movie choice would make a difference in the turn out. The movie choice, among other factors, contributed to the success of the movie night, during which UNICEF club raised more money than it had previously expected it would.
Ammar says that the club is already thinking about future events, such as “a drive where [club members would] buy clothes and food to hand out to homeless people in Boston” and possibly a bake sale too.
Rivadeneira says that she originally joined the club because most of her friends were officers, but soon realized that UNICEF club is “a really fun service club” that has a real impact. She adds that people should join UNICEF club because it “needs more supporters, especially because it’s a new club.” The club meets every Wednesday in B431.
Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly spelled Sandra Rivadeneira’s and Diana Garcia De La Cruz’s last names incorrectly.