Though caught in the sway of his rushed entrance, Ted Louis-Jacques’ bright lanyard, foiled by the neutral...
Year: 2018
The Malden Public Library is featuring a rotating art exhibit that showcases a different artist every month. ...
The new year brings new students as well as plans for a brand new studio for the...
A map of Malden using street names by Grace Julian from Trinidad and Tobego. Photo by Ana Pirosca....
Food, poetry, music, and art filled the 3rd floor of the Malden District Court in order to...
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After years of having a successful Cross Country program at Malden High School, the athletic department, along...
The boys cross country team is off to a running start with a record of 2-0, with...
Malden High did it again, providing a Back to School Night for parents and students to attend....
Malden High School’s Field Hockey team has already had a terrific start to their season. Their current...