Senior Franklin Chen. Photo submitted by Chen.
The boys basketball team fell short of their goal of making the State Tournament. However despite this
One such player is Senior Franklin Chen, who believes that the season could have gone better in terms of their record since the team’s record is bellow .500. He explained that the team played against teams that they could have beat and that “[he] expected [them] to be a little bit better,” but “[they were] inconsistent.”
Born in Boston, Chen attended Beebe Middle School and joined the basketball team his freshman year of MHS.
Chen became familiar with the sport at the age of seven. He explained that “what made [him] want to start playing basketball was that it was a fun sport.” He mentioned that when he began playing basketball much of the older athletes would not interact or play against him which “motivated [him] to play and get better.”
Chen believes his game’s weaknesses is his lack of being able to facilitate the ball on the court. Although he hopes to work on his skills, he does believe that his strength is being able to shoot the ball.
Chen recalled his most memorable game this season against Peabody being “special.” He explained how he and his teammates did not like the direction of the way the game was being played. MHS had been down 26 points with five minutes remaining in the fourth quarter but they managed to tie the game up with only 30 seconds remaining in the game. He stated, “that comeback was something special.”
On a similar note, Junior David Mervilus recalled how well his teammates played, including Chen, considering that it was a difficult comeback.
Chen hopes to continue basketball in college and beyond as it is something he is very passionate about.