Promotional poster for Captain Marvel.
Promotional poster for Captain Marvel.
Captain Marvel has launched into theatres with a $760 million
It stars Academy Award-winning actress Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, and Ben Mendelsohn. People streamed into theatres most likely for two reasons; the fact that Captain Marvel is the first female Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) superhero with her own solo film, and to see whether or not she will be able to defeat Thanos in highly anticipated, upcoming blockbuster, Avengers: Endgame. And her freshmen outing is interesting, to say the least.
Months leading up to the release, the film was already sparking conversations. A very vocal minority took to the internet, saying to “boycott the film” because of Larson.
They took to Rotten Tomatoes, the review aggregator site, and started bombing the film’s review score. It got so bad that they removed the Audience Score bar for movies that haven’t been released. However, on
Despite the controversies, the film overall is quite enjoyable. Larson, Jackson, and Mendelsohn are the best parts of the film. The editing and pacing could have been much better, but
Another issue was Jude Law’s character, who was incredibly boring and shallow, despite Law’s fine performance.
Lastly, I want to talk about the feminist aspects of the film. Many might say that the moments in the film weren’t aimed towards
Wonder Woman is one of the films that Captain Marvel is being most compared to, and it suffers from the comparison because of feminism. In Wonder Woman, both men and women can look at the screen and feel inspired by the power and resolve the title character shows. Captain Marvel, next to Wonder Woman, feels very pale next to it. And it would’ve been easy to make it equal, or even stand above Wonder Woman. However, the short runtime paired with so much to cram, deprives Captain Marvel of this inspirational factor her counterpart shows. While it has some issues, the film is very entertaining, and it’s role in the larger MCU is bigger than most origin stories. It is definitely a must watch if you are planning to see Avengers: Endgame in April.
It was also nice to see Clark Gregg back on the screen after his supposed demise in the first Avengers film (He did come back on the show Agents of SHIELD and has been a recurring character for 5 seasons). Finally, make sure to stay after the credits, until the very end.