As my journey in high school comes to a conclusion, here are lessons that I’ve found really helpful during the transition into college:
Be yourself: This is something that I truly struggled with during most of my younger years because I was always so focused on trying to impress other people, even if that meant going the extra mile to do so. But as I became wiser, I realized that showcasing your true personality is much more beneficial because it creates a more comfortable space to come out of your shell and to open up to other others.
Trust your instincts: As high school is ending, it can be a very stressful and complex situation determining how your future will turn out. Whether you’re going to college or having other plans after, it’s always important to trust your instincts and make decisions that you’re comfortable with. Now, although seeking advice from your family and friends can be very helpful, it’s not as reliable for me because it comes from a different perspective and experience. It is also much easier to know that I took that risk than looking back in the past and wondering what if?.

Accept your mistakes: We’re bound to make mistakes, that’s just human nature. But rather than running away from them, we should accept our actions as wrongdoings and take it as a lesson if you’re stuck in similar situations in the future.
Best Effort, Always: Nothing comes easy in life, so it’s rather crucial to try your hardest whether you’re still in school, college, and work or simply towards a goal. Even if you have a specific outcome in mind, it may not envision what comes to life. Doing to the best of your abilities will open up new chances and perspectives.