The Girls LAX team photo. The photo was taken by Brandon Wong.
As the season comes to an end, the members of the Malden High School Girls Lacrosse team are hoping to further their skills as well as improving as a team for the upcoming seasons having a final record of 3-13. Although the season began with a rough start, the members on the team remained hopeful throughout the season with positive energy.
The MHS Girls Lacrosse team had their first game against Arlington Catholic in which the final record of that game was 4-14 with Malden losing by ten points. Following that game, MHS versed Winthrop which resulted in Malden losing to a 5-12. On April 16th, the MHS Girls Lacrosse team had an away game against Revere at the Dello Russo Stadium losing with a score of 6-12.
Junior Angelena Nguyen previously explained that she hoped this season would be better than the previous seasons as she adds that last season the team “choked on one of the last games before quarter finals.” Keeping in mind that the team lost many members on the team, they are “training to be stronger and improve from [their] mistakes last season” Nguyen states. Similarly, Junior Ashley Stelmach wants to pick up from where they left off last season seeing they have improved a great amount as a team and “[she] hope[s] [they] can continue to improve together.”
Nguyen describes that the team has been putting forth their best efforts to have a successful season by which they have been working on lays, creating new strategies. They have also been sprinting every practice, going through drills with ladders and cones.
In agreement to the statements made by Stelmach and Nguyen, Junior Shante Simon hopes to have improved during the season which will bring forth better efforts by all members on the team.
Captain Ana Carollyne Oliveira explains how the season had been “a little tough” but goes into detail of recent games in which they have been close to winning but the team fell short. Captain Delilah Doeleman explains that the members of the team have been working really hard as she says “[they have] had some tough losses this season but [stayed] hopeful.” She continues to mention the injuries impacting their team as she adds “[they have] had some injuries on the team, but are not letting that stop [them] from going to states.”
Adding onto the previous statements, Nguyen explains that overall the season could have been better and was not “what [they] were expecting.” Stelmach mentions that the team has faced some really good teams this season and they have also played the best that they could “with all the obstacles that [they] faced.”
In terms of goals this season, Nguyen says that she was able to reach her goal as she got nine hat tricks while her goal at the beginning of the season was only three hat tricks.
Simon adds that there have been memorable moments on the team throughout the season in which the team have been brought closer.
As the season comes to an end, all members on the team have put their best efforts on and off the field resulting in a hardfought season.