Heather Northrop is the new Brunelli House Principal during the 2018-2019 school year. Photo by Joey Vo.
Malden High School’s New Interim Brunelli House Principal Heather Northrop, was a 9th grade guidance counselor for the Holland and Boyle house offices for seven years. Then for a year and a half, Northrop did Holland house guidance for grades 10-12.
Northrop says she wanted to be a House Principal “as a disciplinarian in working with students on improving or changing certain behaviours so while that is different, it is something [she enjoys] doing with students and also supporting the teachers in the work that they do.” Principals have an important role and by working with ninth graders for several years, Northrop says she “is excited to work with all grades.”
Northrop graduated from Danbury High School in Danbury, Connecticut. Before working as a guidance counselor, Northrop worked a small amount of time in a special needs school in Boston.
Being a guidance counselor has prepared Northrop to be a House Principal. She works with students on improving in various areas. This includes their grades, and even connecting with them by discussing activities they may be doing outside of school. Northrop says “ [she advises] students and help[s] them plan for there future and understanding what about school is relevant and important for next steps after high school.” So in many ways, working as a guidance counselor has helped prepare her for the job as Principal.
Northrop explains that she enjoys being Principal as people are being supportive about her taking the role. She feels like the work she is doing is important and meaningful and because being Principal is such an important role, she says she “wants to put her best foot forward.”
Taryn Belowsky, the Freshman guidance counselor says that “[She is] excited about Ms. Northrop stepping in as the Brunelli House Principal. [She has] worked with Ms.Northrop over the last few years and she will be a great resource for the 9-12 population in Brunelli house.”
Many students and staff are excited to see Northrop in action and she herself is also excited for the future of MHS and is ready to give it her all.