Junior Gabby Frois (left) and Ana Da Silva (right) with a poster advertising the event. Photo by Sandra Rivadeneira.
The Class of 2021 is very excited to kick off their junior year and were quick to set up their first fundraiser of the school year. Their car wash, held on Saturday, September 21st, was a huge success and helped officers feel a huge relief about the upcoming year as they have even bigger plans coming up. The students at the event were very excited to see Mayor Gary Christenson stopped by the car wash and congratulate them on their hard work.

“[It is] a quick and easy event,” class advisor Cassandra Poole describes the car wash, “[there is] a lot of room for everyone to have a job.” The class officers turned towards social media to promote the fundraising event as well as gather a large turn out of helpers.
Volunteer Coordinator Ronald Batista adds how the goal of large fundraising events is to get more involvement, “[they] want as many people to not only help but also get to know their officers and fellow classmates.” Batista expresses that it is incredibly important that a group as big as the class of 2021 be able to get familiar with each other, sharing how it “makes the high school experience easier.”
“[It is] great that [they] have a dedicated core,” Poole says, referring to the usual volunteers that participate in class fundraising events, “[I have] seen more new faces, which is fantastic and [it is] very nice to see [that] more people are branching out.” Their social media presence, as well as school speaker announcements, did prove successful as Saturday’s event did bring a couple of first-time volunteers.
“[It is] very fun to support [their] class,” states Junior Ana Da Silva who was a first-time volunteer, “it helps us feel more connected.” Junior Gabby Frois, also a newcomer to the volunteering staff, adds that cooperating with the class in fundraising helps make future events, such as senior prom, “feel more rewarding.”
Art Coordinator Billy Zeng stated, “[He wanted] to say thank you to those who volunteer or support.” He added how the officers recognize that “[it is] hard getting up on a weekend when you want to stay home and relax,” but all cooperation and participation is appreciated.
“A little bit goes a long way,” says Poole, “we appreciate even students in our class who tell their parents to come.” Batista supports her statement, saying how “all the pennies and nickels add up in the long run.”
The class of 2021 officers are planning on holding more fundraising events, such as their Dodgeball Game Tournament and their Student Versus Faculty Volleyball game. “[They] have a few things planned but we’re also trying to not to pack too much because JV’s are hard work.”

Junior Varieties are a huge reason why seeing so many volunteers at their first fundraiser was a relief. With the class finally having their turn to host, everyone is very eager to begin the process. Poole shares how “everyone wants to jump right in,” and she’s the one to remind them how important it is to take it one step at a time.
Junior year is very hard and some may say it is one of the most important years of high school. However, the class of 2021 does have very high hopes and very big plans to make this year one for the books. Seeing the success of their car wash only gives them more reassurance for what comes next.